Recherche suisse contre le cancerPour les chercheursResearch grants

Research grants

The Swiss Cancer Research foundation is the largest funding organisation for cancer research in Switzerland. It supports research projects by independent scientists working at Swiss research institutions.

As a scientist, you have the opportunity to submit an application for financial support for your research project. Application submission for cancer research grants is open twice annually. Funding is available for projects in all areas of cancer research: basic research, clinical research, epidemiological research, psychosocial and health services research. The GAP (Grant Application Portal) offers step-by-step guidance on submitting an application and provides information on the conditions for submission. Only applications submitted online via the portal will be considered.

Funding scheme at a glance

  •  Online application submission by way of the Grant Application Portal
  • Submission deadlines: twice a year - 31 January and 31 July 12:00 noon (Central European Time)
  • Only industry-independent research projects with a clear relevance to cancer will be considered. A maximum of one ongoing project per main applicant is permitted
  • The maximum grant amount is 375 000 Swiss francs over three to four years

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